Las Maqâbir en el entorno rural de Castellón de la Plana: balance de los descubrimientos

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Josep Benedito Nuez
José Manuel Melchor Monserrat
In Castellón de la Plana have been excavated the remains of a several Islamic necropolis. In this paper we present a study of the funerary Castellón’s landscape was like over the centuries of Islamic presence. There is also a description of the aspects related to the ritual and the different archaeological testimonies.
Paraules clau
Castellón de la Plana, necropolis, Islamic burials

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Com citar
Benedito Nuez, Josep; and Melchor Monserrat, José Manuel. “Las Maqâbir en el entorno rural de Castellón de la Plana: balance de los descubrimientos”. Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló, no. 36, pp. 185-02,

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