IP Syndication: Syndication and the new content distribution model in Catalan local TV networks
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Reinald Besalú
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Frederic Guerrero-Solé
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
The new technological context, new forms of audiovisual uses and the crisis affecting media sector have been decisive factors in the transformation of the model of local television networks in Catalonia. Consequently, content syndication is emerging as an adaptation strategy. This article analyzes the syndicated production model, as well as the structure and new possibilities offered, in terms of transport and exchange of content, by the new IP-architecture of distribution implemented in these networks.
Local television, audiovisual production, syndication, IP net, media structure
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How to Cite
Besalú, Reinald; and Guerrero-Solé, Frederic. “IP Syndication:: Syndication and the new content distribution model in Catalan local TV networks”. Quaderns del CAC, vol.VOL 13, no. 35, pp. 45-51, doi:10.34810/qcac35id405638.
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