La psicogeriatría en el nuevo milenio

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Luís Agüera
Diana Molina
Jesús Artal
Jordi Blanch
Josep M Farré


This year's edition of the Observatory will host a colloquium on psychogeriatrics, its definition, its field of action, including the debate of different possible intervention models based on experiences in different countries. The main objectives and focuses of intervention are introduced, as well as collaboration with different specialties. All of this is directed by Luís Agüera, MD PhD, a psychiatrist who runs a center for intervention in psychogeriatrics.

Geriatrics, Psychogeriatrics, Neurodegenerative diseases, Intervention models in different countries, Most frequent disorders, Psychological symptoms, Behavioral symptoms, Treatments

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How to Cite
Agüera, Luís et al. “La psicogeriatría en el nuevo milenio”. Psicosomàtica y Psiquiatría, no. 31, doi:10.60940/PsicosomPsiquiatrnum3110.

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