News and Thoughts on Sexology
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This section presents a review of the scientific articles of greatest impact published between November 2022 and February 2023 in the international journals on Sexology with the greatest national and international recognition (Journal of Sexual Medicine; International Journal of Sexual Health; Archives of Sexual Behavior; Sex roles; Sexual Health & Compulsivity, Psychology and Sexuality; Culture, Health and Sexuality; DeSexología, Psicología de la orientación sexual y la diversidad, American Journal of Sexual Education, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy y Violence Against Woman).
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
(c) Alejandro Villena-Moya, Iris Tolosa, Amaia Miren Ciaurriz, Gabriel Serrano, Bárbara Ruiz, Gema Chenoll, Andrea Galarreta, Gemma Mestre-Bach, Carlos Chiclana-Actis, 2023
This work is published under a license Creative Commons Reconocimiento-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The authors maintain all copyrights and the journal reserves the rights of the first publication of the article.
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