Personality characteristics and descriptive characteristics of sexual offenders based on scientific evidence
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Sexual offenders differ from other offenders in personality traits, behavior problems and demographic characteristics. Also, according to different studies show high psychiatric morbidity, with the most common mental disorders: anxiety disorders, mood disorders, substance abuse, social phobia and personality disorders of the types: antisocial, limit, histrionic, narcissistic, by Avoidance, dependence, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
The identification of risk factors for the development of pedophilia, exhibitionism, rape and paraphilic disorders in general, according to the results of different investigations, show that a high percentage of paraphilic subjects have suffered emotional and / or sexual abuse in childhood, have lived In a dysfunctional family and have had behavioral problems during childhood.
The evaluation is difficult and complex, being necessary to evaluate both the sexual and non-sexual determinants, if we want to carry out an individualized therapeutic planning and with possibilities of effectiveness.
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