Evolution of sport injuries and correlation with coping stylel

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A Doreste Soler
J.M. Farré-Martí
B Farré-Sender
J.L. Doreste Blanco

The rehabilitation and recovery process after a sports injury is complicated and involves many changes that people must adapt to. The coping resources that people use can favor or, if they are not adequate, can cause  a slower recovery and increase the likelihood of suffering another injury. Currently, medicine focuses its efforts on physical rehabilitation but in this study it has been proven that psychopathological symptoms are related to coping strategies that athletes use and how they perceive the evolution of their injury.
A sample of Institut Català de Traumatologia i Medicina de l’Esport (ICATME) patients has been studied at Dexeus University Hospital, who practice sports regularly and competitively. Results have been found and give us relevant information about the type of responses athletes have to the injury and how it affects evolution. Emotional control is of great importance from the first days after suffering the injury, since it involves depressive, anxious symptoms, hostility and paranoid ideation, as well as somatization. It prevents acceptance and personal growth and influences decision making and motivation. Denial of the injury is also involved in these responses and therefore it is important to offer the patient information about their injury.
Social support is one of the great pillars in recovery, since it avoids interpersonal sensitivity and phobic anxiety, aspects that lead to a feeling of inferiority to other athletes and irrational fears that delay the recovery of the injury. With all this, research in this field is recommended to create programs of psychological help to athletes who have suffered an injury.

Injuries, Sport, Coping, Symptomatology, Rehabilitation, Strategies, Adaptation

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How to Cite
Doreste Soler, A et al. “Evolution of sport injuries and correlation with coping stylel”. Psicosomàtica y Psiquiatría, no. 14, doi:10.34810/PsicosomPsiquiatrnum1403.