Evaluation of psychatric syndromes and personality in candidates for living donor kidney transplants
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Background: The aim of the study was to assess personality and psychopathology of living kidney donors (LKD).
Methods: A cross-sectional design study was carried out at Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Canarias (CHUC). 68 potential living kidney donors (PLKD) were evaluated using the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III (MCMI-III) and psychiatric clinical interview.
Results: No candidate presented psychopathological syndrome and all the profiles were valid on the criteria set forth in the MCMI-III. The sample scored high in Narcissistic, Histrionic, Compulsive and Social Desirability scales. Women were significantly higher in Histrionic scale than men.
Conclusion: The results suggest that PLKD have a personality profile characterized by high scores on histrionics (higher in women), narcissism, compulsion and social desirability, as well as the absence of clinical psychiatric syndromes.
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