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Equip Editorial

Dear readers,

We are pleased to introduce the issue 25(1) of Perifèria. Revista de Recerca i Formació en Antropologia. In this issue we have six articles and ten texts that introduce us to an anthropological maze. In the entry we have an analysis of how stigmatization and the significance of Muslimness operate (Rodríguez-Reche and Rodríguez-García). Following the path, we approach the cultural (re)construction that Brazilian immigrants perform through their language (Samora). A bifurcation appears, on the one hand we have the analysis of boxing gyms and their importance in political and identity practices (Benvenga) and, on the other hand, there is a classification proposal for the anthropology(ies) of gender (Hernández and de Maya). We continue straight ahead to introduce into the anthropology of Asturias (Fradejas-García and Cerra) through various channels: the Francoist repression of women (Gutiérrez), the crossroads of traditional clothing (Santoveña), the shovel of bread (García), the traditional dancing during the pandemic (Sauri), the transition from native to anthropologist (González) and an obituary (López). We see a sign at the end of a road, it is a definition of religion (Valdés) that leads us into a corridor with three reviews (Molina; Del Pozo et al.; Farras et al.) and a news item from research groups (Blanco y Ohanian). We hope you enjoy reading and get lost in the maze to exit through the anthropological door of your choice.

Article Details

Com citar
Editorial, Equip. “Editorial”. Perifèria: revista de recerca i formació en antropologia, vol.VOL 25, no. 1, pp. 1-3, doi:10.5565/rev/periferia.796.