Les ambaixades a la cort. Un mecanisme amb diferent execució a València, Sardenya i Catalunya

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Miquel Fuertes Broseta

This paper is an attempt to make an approximation to the mechanism of the provincial embassies to the royal court from a comparative perspective. In this sense it has been decided to relate some of the occasions when the Catalan Diputació, Valencian Estaments or the Braços of the Sardinian parliaments sent syndics to negotiate with the king. The examples and situations exposed reveal it was a common mechanism and used very often with quite similar objectives for the three territories, but the institutional diversity of each of this three territories of the Crown of Aragon conditioned the way of choosing and sending ambassadors.


Embassies, ambassadors, diplomacy, province, Catalonia, Valencia, Sardinia.

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How to Cite
Fuertes Broseta, Miquel. “Les ambaixades a la cort. Un mecanisme amb diferent execució a València, Sardenya i Catalunya”. Pedralbes: revista d’història moderna, pp. 876-95, https://raco.cat/index.php/Pedralbes/article/view/371149.