Algunes obres d’É.A. Martel publicades el primer quart del segle XX: referències al carst i les coves de Mallorca

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Joaquín Ginés
Ángel Ginés

[eng] Édouard-Alfred Martel, who is considered the founder of modern European speleology, visited Mallorca twice,
specifically in the years 1896 and 1901. The impressions caused by the explored caves, as well as by the limestone landscapes
of the island, were altogether reflected in his literary production from the first decades of the 20th century. This paper
analyzes the references to the caves and karst of our island which are present in two of his fundamental works: “L’Évolution
souterraine” (1908) and “Nouveau traité des eaux souterraines” (1921). The observations included in these works focus on
the caves explored by Martel in the vicinity of Porto Cristo village ‒Coves del Drac, Coves del Pirata and Cova des Pont‒,
containing also references to the then famous Coves d’Artà, located in the northeastern end of Mallorca. In the second of
the commented books, there are a few brief notes on the karst of Serra de Tramuntana mountain range, as well as on the
karren features observed in various parts of the island

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Com citar
Ginés, Joaquín; and Ginés, Ángel. “Algunes obres d’É.A. Martel publicades el primer quart del segle XX: referències al carst i les coves de Mallorca”. Papers de la Societat Espeleològica Balear, vol.VOL 3, pp. 33-45,

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