Estratègies territorials per a Catalunya : una visió socioambiental i dels territoris

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Alexandre Tarroja
Diagnosis and proposals that are currently being carried out from the Catalan regions show how it is taking shape a new way of understanding development strategies and land planning, that, in many aspects, has common features with the guidelines of the European Spatial Development Perspective, either regarding the objectives and initial criteria or regarding the methodologies which are followed and the instruments used. The territorial strategies of all the regions agree on the establishment of some common elements: the landscape and territorial resources, together with social equity, become a central issue that gathers and integrates the rest of strategies. Besides, co-operative vision and interrelations complementariety with other regions and urban systems are also common factors, forming polycentric structures.

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How to Cite
Tarroja, Alexandre. “Estratègies territorials per a Catalunya : una visió socioambiental i dels territoris”. Papers: Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona: Territori, estratègies, planejament, no. 39, pp. 9-29,