Overeducation of University Graduates and Social Mobility

Main Article Content

José Saturnino Martínez García
Is the overqualification of graduates related to social background? To answer this question, five indicators are developed in this paper: objective, subjective and statistical indicators common to this kind of research, and two from the PIAAC dataset, statistical overqualification in literacy and numeracy. The results are not conclusive as a relationship is observed between objective and subjective overqualification, but not the remaining indicators. From a social mobility approach, we found that once level of education is taken into account, social background has little effect on the probability of achieving a highly skilled occupation. Put another way, social origin shows an intense relationship with educational attainment, but the relationship between level of education and occupation is weaker.
overqualification, overeducation, labor market, human capital, social mobility, inequality of educational opportunity, Boudon, Goldthorpe, Bourdieu, educational mismatch

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How to Cite
Martínez García, José Saturnino. “Overeducation of University Graduates and Social Mobility”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 102, no. 1, pp. 29-52, https://raco.cat/index.php/Papers/article/view/316706.
Author Biography

José Saturnino Martínez García, Universidad de La Laguna

És professor de sociologia a la Universitat de La Laguna i acaba de publicar Estructura social y desigualdad en España (La Catarata). És llicenciat en Ciències Polítiques i Sociologia (Universitat Complutense), màster en Economia de l’Educació i del Treball (Universitat Carlos III) i doctor en Sociologia (Universitat Autònoma de Madrid), especialitzat en desigualtat social i educació. Ha estat becari al Centre de Recerques Sociològiques, a la Universitat Complutense i a la Universitat de Salamanca, i ha fet estades de recerca al Departament de Sociologia de la Universitat de Wisconsin (Madison). Ha estat professor a la Universitat de Salamanca i al Centre de Recerques Sociològiques. Entre 2007 i 2011 va ser vocal assessor en el gabinet del president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero. Les seves recerques, realitzades en el marc de projectes de recerca competitius, han estat publicades en revistes acadèmiques com ara Revista de Educación, Revista Internacional de Sociología o Papers.