Reconstructing the sociology of intellectuals and its research programme

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Juan Pecourt Gracia
In this article, the main research paths developed at the international level within the field of the sociology of intellectuals are identified. For a long time, debates remained restricted to theoretical reflection and were clearly linked to the ideological conflicts of the political field. From the eighties onwards, however, a research field taking into account previous debates emerged with the development of new theoretical and methodological tools appropriate for the study of intellectuals in specific social contexts. The result is a research programme which shares some common principles, but at the same time is characterized by different definitions of its object of study.


intellectuals, public space, cultural field, political field

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How to Cite
Pecourt Gracia, Juan. “Reconstructing the sociology of intellectuals and its research programme”. Papers: revista de sociologia, vol.VOL 101, no. 3, pp. 339-61,