Las organizaciones empresariales y las empresas ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal

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Francesc Gibert Badia
Andreu Lope Peña
Ramon Alòs
This article analyzes the most innovative Spanish employer initiatives on work/family/personal life arrangement. The research is based on a previous contextualization of Spanish employer to focus specially on confederal employers’ organizations and chemical, food and retail significant employers’ organizations deal with legislation and collective bargaining, as well as on the initiatives of three big companies. According to these data, the Spanish employer is scarcely innovative, markedly conditioned by legal requirements and closely related to limited versions of family-friendly model in its most significant initiatives.

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How to Cite
Gibert Badia, Francesc et al. “Las organizaciones empresariales y las empresas ante la conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar-personal”. Papers: revista de sociologia, no. 83, pp. 57-82,

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