The Socio-Historical Definition of the Pedagogized Infant

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Francisco Guzmán Marín

The socio-historical definition of childhood, in the strict sense, does not constitute the specific recognition of the “child” in itself, within the concrete circumstance of its bio-psycho-social development, but rather represents the theological invention of the pedagogized child, whose preventive ontic-moral rectification is based on the analytical decoding of learning theories and the recodifying action of the disciplinary-confessional devices of the school, based on the reflections of Baquero and Narodowski ( 2015). Even more, it is an ideological strategy that makes it possible to infantilize the subaltern classes, the people considered "uneducated" and, of course, the peoples of the periphery of the West, which justify both political tutelage and seclusion school of a large sector of the population, therefore, »anyone who is constituted in the position of student, regardless of his age, by default is placed in the “as if” of childhood», according to Baquero and Narodowsky (2015 ), regarding the historic study by Ariès (1992). In this sense, the article represents the partial progress of a genealogical investigation regarding the social discovery of the infant, the historical development of the school and the processes of initial teacher training.


Education, School, Childhood, Pedagogy, Moral Reform

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How to Cite
Guzmán Marín, Francisco. “The Socio-Historical Definition of the Pedagogized Infant”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 24, pp. 83-108, doi:10.1344/oximora.24.2024.43776.
Author Biography

Francisco Guzmán Marín, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales

Coordinador General de Investigación y Postgrado, de la Unidad 161, Morelia, Michoacán, México de la UPN