Time Traces. Commodity Fetishism, Reification and Spectacle Society.

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Cristopher Morales Bonilla
In the famous chapter of Das Kapital on commodity fetishism, Marx sets the rise of the alienation within the scheme of the critique of political economy. From this moment on, a whole stream of heterodox Marxism developed the importance of this concept in relation to the different transformations of capitalist institutions of the 20th century, highlighting especially two moments: the critique of Lukács to objectification (Verdinglichung) in Geschichte und Klassenbewusstseins and the formulation of the concept of spectacle by Guy Debord in La société du spectacle.
Spectacle, Commodity Fetishism, Objectification, Alienations.

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How to Cite
Morales Bonilla, Cristopher. “Time Traces. Commodity Fetishism, Reification and Spectacle Society”. Oxímora: revista internacional d’Ètica i Política, no. 13, pp. 255-71, https://raco.cat/index.php/Oximora/article/view/340067.