What’s Philosophy After All? The Intertwined Destinies of Greek Philosophy and Indian Upanisadic thinking

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Dilip Loundo
The article highlights the similarities between ancient Greek philosophy and Indian Upanisadic thinking as projects of self-transformation that resort basically to rational means. The strategyadopted combines two basic sets of tools. On the one hand, we resort to elements of contemporary internal critique of ‘philosophy’ in the West with an emphasis on revised aspects of ancient Greek tradition. On the other, we point to peculiar features of Indian Upanisadic thinking in order to help locating, identifying, and recognizing possible dormant/forgotten characteristics of western philosophical projects. By doing so, we hope both traditions might emerge re-dignified in their role of leading men, through judicious rationality, to the knowledge of the ultimate Truth of beings.

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How to Cite
Loundo, Dilip. “What’s Philosophy After All? The Intertwined Destinies of Greek Philosophy and Indian Upanisadic thinking”. Ontology studies, no. 11, pp. 87-101, https://raco.cat/index.php/Ontology/article/view/276146.