Notes on Resp. 595a-602b

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Aida Míguez Barciela
Since knowledge takes place in the realm of correct use (Gebrauchwissen), some problems come out when knowledge makes no use but simply “knows”. !is question goes together with the fact that the sophist (the greek concept of wise man) can be seen in some contexts as an object of suspect. One of these contexts is Republic 10. Here the imitator is criticized for reasons that correspond to other Greek expressions of sceptical attitude towards the sophist, for instance because of the fact that any positive reference to some realm of “all (the things)” would involve indiscrimination and lost of what was supposed to be recognized by the wise man, etc.

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How to Cite
Míguez Barciela, Aida. “Notes on Resp. 595a-602b”. Ontology studies, no. 11, pp. 55-64,