Problemes de repartiment just i un joc de taula
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Natàlia Castellana
In political and social sciences, a fair division
problem is a problem of dividing a set of
goods or resources between several people,
such that each person receives his/her due
share.We are not interested in proportional
division but in envy-free division, in which
every partner is satisfied with his share and
feels that his allocated share is at least as
good as any other. Classical problems of this
type are cutting cake and rental divisions.We
present a couple of examples whose solution
is based on a combinatorial lemma:
Sperner's lemma. The results also provide
constructive proof of Brouwer's Fixed Point
Theorem.We concludewith an application
to a table game: HEX.
problem is a problem of dividing a set of
goods or resources between several people,
such that each person receives his/her due
share.We are not interested in proportional
division but in envy-free division, in which
every partner is satisfied with his share and
feels that his allocated share is at least as
good as any other. Classical problems of this
type are cutting cake and rental divisions.We
present a couple of examples whose solution
is based on a combinatorial lemma:
Sperner's lemma. The results also provide
constructive proof of Brouwer's Fixed Point
Theorem.We concludewith an application
to a table game: HEX.
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How to Cite
Castellana, Natàlia. “Problemes de repartiment just i un joc de taula”. Noubiaix: revista de la FEEMCAT i la SCM, no. 40, pp. 6-22,