Apuntes sobre algunas aves nidificantes en el macizo del Penyagolosa (Castellón) Notes on some breeding birds in the Peñagolosa Massif (Castellón)
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The Penyagolosa massif is one of the bird species richest areas in the Comunitat Valenciana region, since it has an important forested area with high plant diveristy. Despite this richness, there is almost no works describing its ornithocenosis or that give detalis of the bird populations that inhabit here.
To study this ornithocenosis we conducted a ringing campaign along 7 springs at the Font del mas de la Cambreta and conducted some censues in this same area.
Ringing campaigns gathered data on 29 species, the most abundant were the European Robin, Common Firecrest and Coal Tit. We provide parameters of the breeding population as breeding dates, sex-ratio, interannual
capture rates and biometry. Data gathered point to a delayed breeding season and to a single breeding attempt. Based on transects, we calculate some ecological indexes that point to an area with high diversity and
a good structure of the bird populations. We detected some scarce species in the Province as Garden Warbler, Common Chiffchaff, Song Trhush or Citril Finch.
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