Migración e invernada del colirrojo tizón (Phoenicurus ochruros) en una localidad del levante ibérico. Evolución reciente (2006-2020) Migration and wintering of the Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) in an eastern Iberian Peninsula locality. Recent evolution (2006-2020).
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The east of the Iberian Peninsula, specially the areas close to the sea, recieve milions of migrating and wintering birds after the breeding period, becoming in an important area for a multitude of species. The study of the
ecological variables of this birds are important to understand their adaptations to this areas and their future evolution in the face of eventual ecological changes in the area.
the Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) is a common wintering bird that is spread in a wide range of habitats, where its wintering populations may be fairly abundant, nonetheless, it is a species thta has recieved little
attention and basic data of its winter ecology in the area are practically unknown.
Postbreeding migration tales place in Octobre and November, peaking in the two first thirds of november. After a central wintering period in December and January, the prebreeding migration takes place along February
and mid April. The proportion of adults increases from a minimum in the postbreeding migration (9%) to maximum in the middle of the wintering period (28%) and in the prebreeding migration (18%). Arround 40% of the wintering population would be sedentary. No diferences by age or sex where found in the duration of the wintering, nor in the probability of recapture in winter. There seems not to be diferences either in winter
fidelity in succesive years. Sex-ratio of the young popultaion would be strongly biased towards females to 7:1. A significant delay in the median date of passage is observed in the postbreeding as well as the prebreeding
migration of 0.12 and 0.36 days/year. Density in the area significantlly increased in the area along the 14 years of study in a ratio of 3 birds/10 ha per year. Wintering of some birds can last for about 5 months, but, in average, has a duration of about 3 months.
This work describes the migratory phenology of the Black Redstart and provides data about the winter fidelity, the stop-over and the sex-ratio. Data on the evolution of the passing dates of this wintering bird population in the context of climate change are also provided.
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