Interpretación social y accesibilidad. Una propuesta de conexión disciplinar

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Saida Anssari-Naim

The aim of this study is to offer some arguments for the understanding of community interpreting as part of the generic domain of accessibility. By doing so, I do not actually broaden the concept of accessibility, but I rather reinforce what justifies the use of this term, to differentiate a parcel of activity within the general practice of translation and interpreting. In what concerns accessibility, it seems that the label has been used with no prior conceptual delimitation of what it is finally intended to designate by it. In this study I briefly deal with the conceptual clarification, with the aim of including in the set of accessibility practices the specific task of community interpreting.

community interpreting, accessibility, communicative barriers, immigration, democracy

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How to Cite
Anssari-Naim, Saida. “Interpretación social y accesibilidad. Una propuesta de conexión disciplinar”. MonTi: Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación, no. 12, pp. 418-39,
Author Biography

Saida Anssari-Naim, Universidad de Valencia

Saida anss ari-naim is a lecturer in Translaltion and Interpreting at the University of Valencia. She has studied at the University of Fez (Morocco), La Sorbonne (Paris IV), and the University of Valencia. Her research is centred on the problems of cross-cultural communication from a linguistic-anthropology perspective. She has collaborated in European research projects on Migration and Development. She is currently a member of a research project on translation, interpreting and cognition. She is an official translator of Arabic. She is a native speaker of Arabic and French and is also proficient in English, Spanish and Catalan. She has recently published a book in the “English in the World Series” (PUV): The Politeness/Impoliteness Divide. English-Based Theories and Speech Acts Practice in Moroccan Arabic, Valencia, 2016. She has recently published several articles on the cognitive aspects of interpreting.