The beginning of the path to equality a comparison of medieval male and female texts about women in the Middle Ages

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Sheila Adán Lledín

We are used to read medieval texts created by men, but there were not only male’s quills. There were also many documents written by women that have not been discussed so far, where they stand up for other women, speaking of their selves, their circumstances, their lives, their feelings, their sex’s conception, and their opinions, despite the prohibitions and impediments that were imposed to them. This is what this article aims to show: inspirational testimonies that stand for progress, change, fight, and equality. A comparison between what men in the Middle Ages wrote about women, and what women at that time wrote about women.

Female, Male, Comparison, Writing, Misogyny, Middle Ages

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How to Cite
Adán Lledín, Sheila. “The beginning of the path to equality: a comparison of medieval male and female texts about women in the Middle Ages”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 31, pp. 788-07,
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