Evangelization and Translation into Nahuatl Holy Scripture in New Sapin in the 16th Century

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Verónica Murillo Gallegos

This chapter presents the linguistic, theological and cultural mesh found in the translation of excerpts of the Holy Scriptures into Nahuatl that were carried out by religious missionaries in sixteenth-century New Spain. It aims to consider the translation of the Bible into Indoamerican languages as an extension of the European problems of that time, signaling the caracteristics and difficulties that they acquire within the context of the evangelization and colonization of the American indigenous people.

Translation into Nahuatl, Holy Scripture, Evangelization, New Spain

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How to Cite
Murillo Gallegos, Verónica. “Evangelization and Translation into Nahuatl: Holy Scripture in New Sapin in the 16th Century”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 31, pp. 466-94, https://raco.cat/index.php/Mirabilia/article/view/377881.
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