Graphic derision in Ancient Egypt

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Manuel ÁLVAREZ JUNCO Álvarez Junco

The hieratic image of the Egypt of the pharaoh's art has its counterpart in a series of playful works and mocking graphic realizations that discover the transgressive side of this influential civilization. This research analyzes the meaning of images with parodies, caricatures and satirical figures as well as highlight the worship of some divinities of the playful and informal, which provide a counterpoint to the severe and strict culture of the Nile. It aims, in short, to be a reflective note on the sense of humour since ancient times.

Egypt, Art, Iconography, Caricature, Graphic derision

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How to Cite
Álvarez Junco, Manuel ÁLVAREZ JUNCO. “Graphic derision in Ancient Egypt”. Mirabilia: electronic journal of antiquity and middle ages, no. 31, pp. 7-34,
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