Building bridges between different levels of education: Methodological proposals for CLIL at university
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Jesús Ángel González
Javier Barbero Andrés
This article describes a research project carried out at the University of Cantabria, Spain. Having identified a lack of communication between different levels of the education system, the co-authors have carried out qualitative research (“long interviews” with Primary and Secondary CLIL teachers) in order to identify the best methodological guidelines to be followed in CLIL classes. These guidelines have been summarized in a CLIL-methodology Decalogue to be used at the Tertiary Level.
CLIL, University, Methodology, Guidelines, Scaffolding, Student-centred approach
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How to Cite
González, Jesús Ángel; and Barbero Andrés, Javier. “Building bridges between different levels of education: Methodological proposals for CLIL at university”. Language Value, vol.VOL 5, pp. 1-23,
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