Desarrollos y posibilidades de la tintura y acabado simultáneos de los tejidos, especialmente celulósicos.
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Rufo Crespo Cereceda
Because the present trend in the dyeing and finishing of fabrics, particularly the cellulosic ones, is towards reactive processes, it is convenient to think of a method which enables to reach both effects in only one reaction or, at least, in only one process.
The different possibilities and the present situation of the research leading to the mentioned aims is studies by the author, who reviews the main ways employed:use of bi-functional coloured compounds, simultaneous application of finishing products and reactive dyes (i.e. Resin-Procion process), use of a polyfunctional product able to react with the fibre and a non-reactive dye and, finally, imparting to the fibres a higher reactivity.
The different possibilities and the present situation of the research leading to the mentioned aims is studies by the author, who reviews the main ways employed:use of bi-functional coloured compounds, simultaneous application of finishing products and reactive dyes (i.e. Resin-Procion process), use of a polyfunctional product able to react with the fibre and a non-reactive dye and, finally, imparting to the fibres a higher reactivity.
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Com citar
Crespo Cereceda, Rufo. “Desarrollos y posibilidades de la tintura y acabado simultáneos de los tejidos, especialmente celulósicos”. Boletín Intexter del Instituto de Investigación Textil y de Cooperación Industrial, no. 26,
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