Determinación de aminas aromáticas libres en colorantes sulfurosos.

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Mª Carmen Gutiérrez Bouzán
Rufo Crespo Cereceda
Martí Crespi Rosell
This paper deals with the separation and quantitative determination of aromatic amines frequently used in the manufacture of sulfur dyes by gas chromatography and liquid ehromategraphy with ultraviolet detection at 260 nm.
Sensitives is approximately the same in both methods.
The actual amount of free amines is examined in 14 sulfur dyes by gas chromatography without previous treatment of the specimens as the the ether extraction gives lower values. Results found are considered to be very satisfactory.
¿The determination of amines by liquid chromatography implies pre-acid treatments to samples to precipitate the dye and to set a pre-column in order to prevent the deterioration of the chromatography column by the colloidal sulphur?

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Com citar
Gutiérrez Bouzán, Mª Carmen et al. “Determinación de aminas aromáticas libres en colorantes sulfurosos”. Boletín Intexter del Instituto de Investigación Textil y de Cooperación Industrial, no. 88,

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