Smart sensing interoperability platforms in the scope of Atlantos
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Daniel A. Real-Arce
Ehsan Abdi
Enoc Martínez Padró
Eric Delory
C. Barrera
J. Hernández
O. Llinás
This paper aims to demonstrate the capabilities of a Smart Cable which aims to convert any commercial non-PUCK-enabled sensor in a Smart PUCK-enabled device. Through this development, it can be easily integrated on a sensor web platform in order to access the data in real time, and so there is no need to rely on each sensor manufacturer to comply with Sensor Web Enablement standards. The results presented in this paper were acquired during some real field experiments performed between the 24th and 28th of September at PLOCAN facilities in Gran Canaria. During these days three Turner Designs Cyclops sensors were successfully integrated and tested in a mission using an observing surface vehicle such as the Wave Glider SV-2.
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Real-Arce, Daniel A. et al. “Smart sensing interoperability platforms in the scope of Atlantos”. Instrumentation viewpoint, no. 20,
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