The end is near: State, technology and dystopia

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Manuel Vial-Dumas

The constitutional State results from a utopian vision of the future that developed in the philosophical, technical and literary realms during the Enlightenment. The 20th century ended the myth of progress in those areas, but technological advancements did not cease. This has generated a tension between the utopian and dystopian, determined by the control or lack of control of political power and technology. The crises of the 21st century have given rise to apocalyptic visions that undermine the foundation of the modern state project. Without an optimistic vision of the future, the role of the state changes. Instead of being the catalyst for a project implemented in a reality guided and shaped by humanity, it transforms into a kind of refuge against a reality that surpasses the possibilities of action for a particular society. The role of technology and power is crucial in proposing new utopias that support a political project. This is the political challenge of AI or projects like transhumanism.

State crisis, dystopia, utopia, artificial intelligence, law and fiction, transhumanism

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How to Cite
Vial-Dumas, Manuel. “The end is near: State, technology and dystopia”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 40, pp. 1-12, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i40.417644.
Author Biography

Manuel Vial-Dumas, University of Girona

Doctor of Law with European mention by the University of Girona. Bachelor of Science in Legal and Social Sciences from the University of Chile. Professor Serra Húnter at the University of Girona and lecturer at the Oberta University of Catalonia. He has been a guest researcher at the University of Genoa (2008) and the University of Athens (2010) and a guest professor at the Catholic University of Chile (2014) and the Inter-American University of Puerto Rico (2016).  He is a professor in the doctoral program of the University of Buenos Aires (since 2016) and coordinator of the master degrees, Legal Culture: Security, Justice and Law; and Ibero-American Political, Legal and Economic Culture: Translation and understanding of cultural context.


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