Legal disputes regarding data protection with respect to video surveillance systems and geolocation of workers in recent European and national jurisprudence
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This work tries to analyze the content of the right to privacy and data protection. With special attention to the scope of these rights in the workplace, where there are currently certain controversies regarding the use of video surveillance devices at work and the geolocation of workers. Specifically, it analyzes how the regulations on this right have evolved and how the most recent jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court has had an impact on it. Concluding that when labor matters are at stake, a restrictive interpretation of these rights would be carried out, transforming the right to privacy and data protection of workers.
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(c) Luis Ramos Poley, 2024
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Luis Ramos Poley, University of Girona (UdG)
Postdoctoral researcher in the Area of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Girona. He holds a graduate degree in law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2017), a master degree in Law from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, 2018) and a PhD in Law from the University of Girona (2022). Since 2017, he has been a professor of Labour Law and Social Security at the University of Girona. He has also been a collaborating professor at ESERP Business&Law School (2021-2022). His line of research focuses on immigration and foreign law, currently in the legal maintenance of companies and the contribution of migration. He has published in journals and book chapters in this area. He is a Member of the UdG’s Immigration management, free movement of people and rights of workers research group. He is also a member of the work team of the consolidated research group Fiscality, labour relations and companies and member of the work team of the research project Legal and tax measures for the maintenance of companies both at the UOC.
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