Predictive police and prevention of gender violence: the VioGén system

Main Article Content

Miguel Ángel Presno Linera

Violence against women is an increasingly prevalent phenomenon around the world and has an enormous impact on the lives of the victims, their families and society. In this brief study, we will focus on the use of predictive algorithms to prevent the repetition of this violence by adopting, where appropriate, the necessary precautionary measures. The paper describes the organization and functioning of the VioGén system and includes a critical analysis of it.


gender violence, predictive algorithms, predictive policing, VioGén system

Article Details

How to Cite
Presno Linera, Miguel Ángel. “Predictive police and prevention of gender violence: the VioGén system”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 39, pp. 1-13, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i39.416473.
Author Biography

Miguel Ángel Presno Linera, University of Oviedo

Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Oviedo. His main lines of work are the general theory of fundamental rights, electoral and parliamentary law, freedom of expression, the free development of personality and, more recently, the impact of artificial intelligence on the social and democratic State. His most recent books are Libre desarrollo de la personalidad y derechos fundamentales and Derechos fundamentales e inteligencia artificial, both published in 2022 by Marcial Pons. He is the principal investigator of the project The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence for the Social and Democratic State of Law, of which 20 other researchers from universities in Spain, the Netherlands, Brazil, Italy and Portugal are part. He is one of the sponsors of the University of Oviedo’s center for studies on the social impact of artificial intelligence. He edits the blog El derecho y el revés.


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Páginas web consultadas

Sistema VioGén [en línea]. Disponible en:

Sistema de seguimiento integral en los casos de Violencia de Género (Sistema VioGén). Estadísticas Violencia de Género. Madrid: Ministerio del Interior [en línea]. Disponible en:

Guía de aplicación del formulario VFR5.0-H en la valoración forense del riesgo [en línea]. Disponible en:

Auditoría externa del sistema VioGén (2022). Barcelona: Fundación Éticas [en línea]. Disponible en: