Predictive algorithms and gender perspective in criminal proceedings
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The introduction in the judicial process of algorithmic risk assessment tools to assist the judge must necessarily be preceded by a comprehensive analysis with a gender perspective about their impact on the fundamental rights of the parties that may be seriously affected, mainly that of equality.
This work reflects on the possible incorporation of predictive tools at different stages of a criminal process to then examine the problem of gender biases that they may contain and their consequences in the framework of a process.
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Ana Montesinos García, Universitat de València
Full professor of Procedural Law in Universitat de València and co-director of the Master Degree in Gender Law and Violence at said university. Main researcher of the Research Project Claves para una justicia digital y algorítmica con perspectiva de género (Keys for a digital and algorithmic justice with gender perspective), PID2021-123170OB-I00 funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033. She has been part of the research team of seven research projects funded by the Spanish Ministries of Education and Science, Economics and Competitiveness, all of which were rated as very satisfactory.
From the beginning of her research career, she belongs to the MedArb Excellence Research Group of the Universitat de València. Her most notable lines of investigation are: arbitration, class actions, small claims and digitization of Justice. The studies and work she has carried out have been reflected in various publications both nationally and internationally, specifically in four monographs as a single author and numerous book chapters and journal articles.
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