The digitization of prisons and the use of artificial intelligence. State-of-the-art markers for the normalization of the prison environment and the redefinition of the resocialization process

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Beatriz López Lorca

The challenge of incorporating new technologies into the prison environment must be addressed from some strategic planning where the future vision of the prison system and its core values are clearly defined. In addition, the strategic objectives and actions that will enable their achievement must be established. As a proposal, this article has marked as strategic objectives an effective and sustainable normalization of the prison environment and a reconfiguration of the resocialization process, establishing the digitization of prisons and the use of artificial intelligence as state-of-the-art markers. From this, it follows that the implementation of new technologies in the prison system poses specific opportunities and challenges that must be appropriately identified in an initial situation diagnosis to facilitate decision-making and promote change in the management model.

digitization, artificial intelligence, prison management, strategic planning, principle of normalization, resocialization process

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How to Cite
López Lorca, Beatriz. “The digitization of prisons and the use of artificial intelligence. State-of-the-art markers for the normalization of the prison environment and the redefinition of the resocialization process”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 39, pp. 1-10, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i39.416671.
Author Biography

Beatriz López Lorca, University of Castilla-La Mancha

PhD lecturer of Criminal Law. Her main lines of research are Military criminal law, about which she has published numerous articles and developed advisory work for several parliamentary groups during the reform of the current Military criminal code; International criminal law, being a specialist in offenses against maritime and air security and its intersection with the global governance of maritime and air spaces; and Prison law and penology, where she has focused primarily on long-term prison and life imprisonment, as well as European prison standards, through different publications, research projects and interventions in specialized forums. Additional lines include criminal liability for military and private security companies, penalties for legal entities, and reform of crimes against sexual freedom.


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