The reform of cyber fraud and the incorporation of digital payment methods into the Penal Code

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Miguel Bustos Rubio

The approval of the Spanish Organic Law 14/2022, December 22, has modified the Spanish Criminal Code by changing the typical elements of the crime of cyber fraud (redefining its elements and expanding its application), and has incorporated non-cash payment mechanisms such as means of committing the crime (which now includes digital payment instruments). In a digital market economy like the current one, it is necessary to adapt Criminal Law to be able to punish these criminal behaviors, which use information technology to commit crimes. This paper analyzes the incidence of these modifications, based on the study of the supranational regulations that have promoted these reforms, from the international level and also from the European Union.

cyber fraud, cybercrime, digital payment methods, cryptocurrency, blockchain

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How to Cite
Bustos Rubio, Miguel. “The reform of cyber fraud and the incorporation of digital payment methods into the Penal Code”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 38, pp. 1-11, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i38.413222.
Author Biography

Miguel Bustos Rubio, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

Professor of Criminal Law at the Universidad Internacional de La Rioja and European Doctor of Law. His research areas over the last ten years have covered topics relating to the general part of criminal law (for example, the study of omissive crimes, attempts, cumulative crimes, the aggravating circumstance of discrimination for socioeconomic reasons or the stage of punishability in the legal theory of crime) and the special part of criminal law (for example, the study of the crime of fraud of Social Security contributions, money laundering, crimes of failure, abandonment of the site of the accident or illegal financing of political parties, among others). Specialized in Economic Criminal Law, he currently has five single-authored monographs, more than twenty articles in specialized journals and many book chapters in collective works, both in Spain and abroad.


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