The (in)admissibility of family mediation in contexts of violence and a special reference of the Portuguese regime

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Rossana Martingo Cruz

Mediation is one of the alternative dispute resolution methods (ADR) that is considered especially suitable in the sphere of family conflicts. These are endowed with emotional characteristics that make them more appropriate to be held in a different context than in the judicial forum. And, at the same time, they are of a human complexity that requires a different analysis in the context of mediation. Also, it is true that not all family conflicts will be subject to mediation, which means the traditional justice forums (the courts) maintain all their relevance. However, the advantages of a ‘self-compositional’ method are undeniable in the search for a solution that responds to the interests and desires of those who, in another time, shared another experience of proximity and intimacy.

It is questioned whether a couple who have experienced violence may or may not be eligible for family mediation. The authors and practitioners of the mediation seem not to have the same position on this matter. It is important to perceive the arguments used in this divergence. Also, towards the end, we will pay special attention to the Portuguese case in this regard.


family mediation, family violence, family conflicts, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), Istanbul Convention

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How to Cite
Martingo Cruz, Rossana. “The (in)admissibility of family mediation in contexts of violence and a special reference of the Portuguese regime”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 33, doi:10.7238/idp.v0i33.380181.
Author Biography

Rossana Martingo Cruz, Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho

Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Minho School of Law (Portugal); - Visiting Assistant Professor for the School of Management at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (Portugal); - Doctorate in Law from the University of Minho School of Law (Portugal); - Master’s in Personal and Family Law from the University of Coimbra Faculty of Law; -  Integrated researcher for JusGov (Centre of Research in Justice and Governance); - Author of publications and speaker at congresses/conferences on Family Law, Succession Law and also ADR, especially Mediation.  


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