Report of the VII International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics: Net Neutrality and the Right to Oblivion.

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Javier de la Cueva González-Cotera

The 7th International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics was held in Barcelona on 11 and 12 June 2011, focusing on the two main topics of net neutrality and the right to oblivion. Several authors also presented papers on current problems of the Internet from a legal and political standpoint. This article is a non-exhaustive report on the conference and includes the conclusions given by the conference secretary at the end of each day.

neutralitat de la xarxa, dret a l'oblit, dret d'informació, llibertat d'expressió

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How to Cite
de la Cueva González-Cotera, Javier. “Report of the VII International Conference on Internet, Law and Politics: Net Neutrality and the Right to Oblivion”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 13, pp. 84-90,