ODR 3.0? Lessons from Sri Lanka, India, Kenya and Haiti

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Marta Poblet
In this article, we review the current state of online dispute resolution (ODR) services worldwide, followed by the presentation of some of the newer services that may inspire the configuration of a new generation of ODR services, what we call "ODR 3.0". The main objective of these 3.0 platforms is not to manage and resolve conflicts through mediation, conciliation or arbitration, although negotiation is involved in some cases. However, the impact they are having in related fields, such as emergency or crisis management, should be mentioned in a reflection on the future of ODR.
ADR, ODR, mediació, resolució de conflictes, plataformes de codi obert, mashups, tecnologies mòbils

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How to Cite
Poblet, Marta. “ODR 3.0? Lessons from Sri Lanka, India, Kenya and Haiti”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 10, https://raco.cat/index.php/IDP/article/view/220950.