The Culture of Dialogue and Relational Justice as a “Third Path”

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Aura Ester Vilalta
The “third path” of justice is a theoretical approach and a proposal. The formal construction of a model of justice based on liberty, free will, trust, knowledge and technical development is proposed, given the exhaustion of systems of exclusion – in social, economic, political and judicial areas as well as in thinking. This brief treatise deals with programme lines and courses of action of ADR/ODR – alternative methods or processes for dispute resolution for the catalytic controversies of a phenomenon which has spontaneously emerged – with the aim of yielding elements capable of formulating this new system, a synthesis of two which, paradoxically, were operative until fairly recently.
ADR, ODR, sistemes alternatius de resolució de conflictes, principis i protocols, mediació, arbitratge, justícia relacional, sistemes autocompositius, sistemes heterocompositius, confidencialitat, interoperativitat, tercera via, mètode holístic

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How to Cite
Vilalta, Aura Ester. “The Culture of Dialogue and Relational Justice as a ‘Third Path’”. IDP. Internet, Law and Politics E-Journal, no. 8,