The Life-Cycle of the Barcelona Automobile-Industry Cluster, 1889-2015

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Jordi Catalán
The life-cycle of Barcelona’s automobile industry cluster has lasted more than a century. The main reason for the good performance of the cluster in the long term was the externalities created within the district, which were mainly of a Marshallian type. The second key cause of its satisfactory performance was the adoption of strategic policy. The emergence of hub-firms, which performed as leaders of the district, can be considered the third reason for success. Institutions also mattered, even if they were the least significant factor.
Paraules clau
automobile industry, clusters, districts, strategic policy, Barcelona

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Com citar
Catalán, Jordi. “The Life-Cycle of the Barcelona Automobile-Industry Cluster, 1889-2015”. Revista de Historia Industrial, vol.VOL 26, no. 66, pp. 77-125,