Advertising graphic design

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Jordi Colet Ruz

The present bibliographic review goes remitted to the last publication of the professor of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Daniel Tena Parera. The content tackles with rigour and depth the subjects of graphic design and direction of art in advertising. Reading his pages will find knowledge and didactic of the discipline. For this reason, it turns into a valuable and recommended manual of reference especially for students of degree and professionals that find involved in projects of graphic advertising.



Graphic design, advertising, advertising graphic, art direction, graphic production

Article Details

How to Cite
Colet Ruz, Jordi. “Advertising graphic design”. Grafica, vol.VOL 6, no. 12, pp. 99-101,
Author Biography

Jordi Colet Ruz, Universitat autonoma de Barcelona

Professor associat

Departament de Publicitat, Relacions Públiques i Comunicació Audiovisual