The Upper Oligocene of Montgat (Catalan Coastal Ranges, Spain): New age constrains to the western Mediterranean Basin opening

David Parcerisa, David Gómez-Gras, Eduard Roca, Joan Madurell i Malapeira, Jordi , 1954- Agustí Ballester


Depositional models of lacustrine evaporites in the SE margin of the Ebro Basin (Paleogene, NE Spain)

Laura Rosell Ortíz, Montserrat Inglès i Urpinell, Elisabet Playà i Pous


Slope Instability along the northeastern Iberian and Balearic continental margins

Galderic Lastras Membrive, Miquel Canals Artigas, David Amblàs Novellas, Jaime Ignacio Frigola Ferrer, Roger Urgeles Esclasans, Antoni Calafat Frau, Juan Acosta Yepes


Synthesis of high ion exchange zeolites from coal fly ash

Xavier Querol Carceller, Natàlia Moreno, Andrés Alastuey, Roberto Juan Mainar, José Manuel Andrés Gimeno, Ángel López-Soler, Carles Ayora, Alejandro Medinaceli, Antonio Valero


Fifth-order cyclicity and organic matter contents relationship (Lower Eocene, Pyrenees)

Francesc Calvet Rovira, Elisabet Playà i Pous, Jordi Giménez-Montsant, Albert Permanyer i Bastardas


The Impact of carbonate cements on the reservoir quality in the Napo Fm sandstones (Cretaceous Oriente Basin, Ecuador)

Jenny Estupiñán Letamendi, Rafaela Marfil Pérez, Antonio Delgado Huertas, Albert Permanyer i Bastardas


Lyell and the Spanish Geology

Carmina , 1927- Virgili