Lower Eocene sedimentary succession and microfossil biostratigraphy in the central northern Caucasus basin

E. Shcherbinin, A. Iakovleva, Yu. Gavrilov, O. Golovanova, N. Muzylöv

1-15, I-XVIII

Relationship of F-Be mineralization to granites and syenites at the Ermakovka deposit (Western Transbaikalia)

G.S. Ripp, I.A. Izbrodin, M.O. Rampilov, A.A. Tomilenko, E.A. Lastochkin, V.F. Posokhov

1-13, I-IV

Customize, extend and reuse outdated hydrogeological software

A. Serrano-Juan, R. Criollo, E. Vázquez-Suñè, M. Alcaraz, C. Ayora, V. Velasco, L. Scheiber


Time lag between metamorphism and crystallization of anatectic granites (Córdoba, Argentina)

F.J. D’Eramo, J.J. Esteban, M. Demartis, E. Aragón, J.E. Coniglio, L.P. Pinotti
