The Late Palaeozoic of Western Gondwana: New insights from South American records

Luis A. Spalletti, Carlos Óscar Limarino, Silvana Evangelina Geuna


Did Patagonia collide with Gondwana in the Late Paleozoic? Some insights from a multidisciplinary study of magmatic units of the North Patagonian Massif

Augusto Ernesto Rapalini, Mónica Graciela López de Luchi, Carmen Martínez Dopico, Federico Gustavo Lince Klinger, Mario Ernesto Giménez, Patricia Martínez


Fluvial and eolian ichnofaunas from the Lower Permian of South America (Patquía Formation, Paganzo Basin)

Verónica Krapovickas, Adriana Cecilia Mancuso, Andrea Beatriz Arcucci, Alberto Tomás Caselli


Palynology of the Permian San Miguel Formation (Western Paraná Basin, Paraguay): Gondwanan biostratigraphic correlations

Valeria Susana Pérez Loinaze, Silvia Nelida Césari, óscar López Gamundí, Luis Buatois
