I.5. Xeíne/Xéne y Xenía : dos epíclesis mal conocidas de Afrodita
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Marta Oller Guzmán
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
In this article we analyse two literary evidences from the word Ξείνη/Ξένη as an epithet for Aphrodite and we propose that it can be related with some particular function of the goddess as Patron of hospitality, guests and foreigners in the East Mediterranean, particularly in Cyprus. Furthermore we include an epigaphical text from Megalopolis (Arcadia) in which the epithet Ξενία could show that this function of Aphrodite was also known in continental Greece.
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Oller Guzmán, Marta. “I.5. Xeíne/Xéne y Xenía : dos epíclesis mal conocidas de Afrodita”. Faventia, pp. 75-86, https://raco.cat/index.php/Faventia/article/view/275945.
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