Una “nueva Arqueología” per a un “nuevo Estado” , o la mort de l’Escola Catalana d’Arqueologia i el naixement de l’Arqueologia franquista (1939-1955)

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Edgard Camarós
From the year 1939, with the congguration on a new State due to Franco’s victory, a franquist Archaeology was born and the tradition of the Catalan School of Archaeology was eliminated. The process of setting of a new Archaeology with different historical and theoretical questions,and the introduction of a new management system of everything that has to do with the past until 1955 by fascist authorities, is analyzed in this paper.

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How to Cite
Camarós, Edgard. “Una “nueva Arqueología” per a un ‘nuevo Estado’ , o la mort de l’Escola Catalana d’Arqueologia i el naixement de l’Arqueologia franquista (1939-1955)”. Estrat crític: revista d’arqueologia, no. 4, pp. 35-45, https://raco.cat/index.php/EstratCritic/article/view/250154.

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