Formación ciudadana y educación cívica: ¿Cuestión de actualidad o de resignificación?

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Ruth Elena Quiroz Posada
Orlanda Jaramillo
Herein, we state a theoretical approach related to citizenship and civic education. Likewise, we articulate this analysis with associated studies claiming citizenship education is a vital need in the social Colombian context. Given these conditions, this topic is focused to determine an important subject in all studies involved in education in any knowledge area. In this consideration, an introduction of basic elements of citizenship education,
civic education and the importance of applying educational and pedagogic activities promoting both concepts, are included.

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How to Cite
Quiroz Posada, Ruth Elena; and Jaramillo, Orlanda. “Formación ciudadana y educación cívica: ¿Cuestión de actualidad o de resignificación?”. Enseñanza de las ciencias sociales: revista de investigación, no. 8, pp. 97-103,