Metodologías alfa-mertonianas y beta-childianas en sociología del conocimiento y de la ciencia. Un apunte para el siglo XXI

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Alberto Hidalgo
The constitutive peculiarity of research into the teaching of social sciences can be found in the technological “operative nature” of the teaching-learning process, which implies a «substantial» continuity between pupils’ operations and those of the teachers. To do research into such operations demands that we go back to an «essential» level of explanation, without either suppressing them or not keeping them in sight, be it because we are able to subsume them within objective structures, or be it because we return from objective structures to the operations that make it up, or because we are able to analyse the processes by means of which some operations determine others in the same educational field.

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How to Cite
Hidalgo, Alberto. “Metodologías alfa-mertonianas y beta-childianas en sociología del conocimiento y de la ciencia. Un apunte para el siglo XXI”. Enseñanza de las ciencias sociales: revista de investigación, no. 2, pp. 67-83,