Five years of PCK summit, what has endured: 1. a descending hierarchical classification of the science PCK published papers

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Brunno Carvalho Gastaldo
Pablo Micael Castro
Paula Homem-de-Mello
Sérgio Henrique Leal
In the science teacher educational field, the Pedagogical Content Knowledge is a prevailing construct. Nevertheless, several divergences can be found in the literature concerning its nature and ways to access/measure. In order to mitigate those differences, the PCK Summit was held in 2012 with 22 researchers, and from it a new definition of PCK and a Consensus Model emerged. However, it seems that this model was not adopted by those researchers, what brings the question of the impact of the conference in the PCK research. It was performed a lexicometric analysis of the papers published before and after using Descending Hierarchical Classification that revealed that, in fact, the discourses have changed. From our finds, the Summit solved some questions about the nature of PCK,  exhausted the description of teacher practice, introduced the methodological discourse, as has amplified the use of quantitative approaches.
Descending hierarchical classification (DHC), Lexicometric analysis, PCK summit

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How to Cite
Carvalho Gastaldo, Brunno et al. “Five years of PCK summit, what has endured: 1. a descending hierarchical classification of the science PCK published papers”. Enseñanza de las Ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, no. Extra, pp. 595-00,