Nietzsche and contemporary Physics

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José Ignacio Galparsoro Ruiz
This paper tries to show the common issues that can be established between Nietzsche and two important figures of the contemporary Physics as Heisenberg and Prigogine. These three authors agree in underlining: a) The continuity between Philosophy and Physics; b) The centrality of the historical perspective; c) The deciding role of the subjectivity when attempting to explain the nature, and d) The neglect of the objectivist ideal and of the paradigm of certainty. In the base of these agreements underlies a conception that finds their soundest arguments in Darwin’s theory of evolution: since the man is a part of the nature, it is not reasonable to consider nature as an object that had nothing to do with the man.
Nietzsche, Heisenberg, Prigogine, Physics, Darwinism

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How to Cite
Galparsoro Ruiz, José Ignacio. “Nietzsche and contemporary Physics”. Enrahonar: an international journal of theoretical and practical reason, no. 38, pp. 243-66,